Modern Warfare II: Activision toys with veteran players with an Easter Egg during the beta

For a few hours, Call of Duty beta: Modern Warfare II is available for all players on all platforms until September 26. If we are all happy to be able to play and discover the smallest corners of some of their maps, players soon noticed an Enter Egg that will smile at the most veteran . For years, Call of Duty developers have loved and have fun leaving some Easter eggs, and this time, the last one pays tribute to one of the most famous missions in the license.

An Easter egg discovered on the Map of Farm 18

It was on the social network Reddit that the player who discovered the Easter egg decided to share his new finding there. Responding to the name of Piece , the latter shared a publication in which it stipulates that One of the buildings in Farm 18 is almost identical to one of the buildings available in the first game of Call of Duty (2003), And this is the one of the mission of the Pavlov house (which then gives the multiplayer map of Pavlov) .

When we look at the photos on the side of the other, we must admit that the resemblance between the 2003 Call of Duty building and the present on the pharmacy 18 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is quite disturbing, and we imagine easily That it is not just a coincidence or a coincidence, but a tribute by the developers.

In the days or even the next few hours, we may discover other Easter eggs through the beta version of Modern Warfare 2 and, of course, you can count on us to give you the last details.


Modern Warfare 2's beta version is open again

As a reminder, keep in mind that the beta version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II has been available again since September 22. Whether you are on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series or PC, you can now play the Infinity Ward title and discover the different modes of its multiplayer.

However, for the moment, only the players who have reserved the game can access it, but consult the social networks quite regularly: Twitter accounts specialized in Call of Duty as Charlie intel or even official license accounts or certain manufacturers (PlayStation/Xbox) They usually share waves of codes several times a day. If you cannot get one, you will have to wait until September 24 at 7:00 p.m. Spanish.


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