Instead of Google Maps: Navigating on the bike goes better with another app

Just attach the smartphone to the bike and start the free Navi Google Maps? That does not really fun. All too often the route leads through main roads and in just a few cases Google knows the most beautiful route to move with the bike.

Significantly more bike paths in the library and optimized bicycle routing promise apps that specialize in the route planning and navigation by bike. There are also numerous features such as offline cards, voice announcements, the search for charging stations for e-bikes and options for convenient, fast or routes suitable for racing bikes or mountain bikes. Perhaps the best app in this field is quite just bikemap.

  • Bikemap for Android: Loading at Chip

Best Cycling Navigation Apps (Google Maps vs OsmAnd) * Bikemap for iPhone: Chip now at chip

First, however, it is important to clarify that the apps also differ in the price. While Google Maps is completely free, comoot, bikemap or Naviki are limited for free. Who wants to benefit from the full range of functions, must - depending on the provider - a subscription or in-app purchase.


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